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CONEXPO 2023: Construction Industry’s Biggest Event

By March 21, 2023April 13th, 202325 Comments


North America’s largest construction trade show is just around the corner and by the looks of it, this year is set to be the biggest one yet! Exploring an event of this magnitude can be a daunting task; with all the pieces of machinery, brands, and activities to choose from. Here are some essential tips to ensure you know what to look for when visiting this year’s CONEXPO.

What is ConExpo?

CONEXPO is a triennial (every three years) event that encompasses everything in the construction & agriculture industry. The first CONEXPO was held in 1928 in Columbus, Ohio; while the first CON/AGG was held in Detroit, Michigan. By 1996 the two industry trade shows had merged in order to create the western hemisphere’s largest construction/agricultural event to date. Whether you work on-site, in the field, or in an office CONEXPO-CON/AGG is a great networking opportunity for anyone in the industry.

Interested in a certain piece of machinery? 

Do your research and find the machinery brand you want to go with, collect quotes, and talk to a sales representative. With all the top of line exhibitions, it’s easy to walk around and compare all your options. 

Not interested in any pieces of equipment?

It’s still beneficial to you or your company to check out what’s new in your industry, while also growing your presence by interacting with potential customers. 

Tips for Newcomers

With this year’s event spanning over 2.7 million sq. Feet (more than 64 acres) of exhibit space, over 2,800 exhibitors, and 150 education sessions. It can be difficult for anybody to traverse around the equivalent of 50 football fields, so here’s how you can make the most out of your time once you arrive. Be sure to sign up for any training or exhibitor experiences as soon as possible to guarantee your spot. Bring a map to find out where the nearest badge pick-up location is, what time to be there, and the exact exhibitors you’d like to visit. Have your I.D. on you, so you are eligible to obtain your badge as well.

Where to Find CASE?

If you are interested in checking us out, our booth is located over at Booth #W40800. We will be showcasing the industry’s first dozer loader coming in at more than 18,000 pounds combined with 114 Horsepower. This machine delivers one-of-a-kind dozing, grading, and loading capabilities while being compatible with hundreds of attachments. We will also be hosting a number of special giveaways and activities over at CASE Machinery’s Booth, so be sure to stop by. You could possibly be one of the lucky few who gets invited to our V.I.P. afterparty over at the High Roller! Contact your Sonsray Machinery Representative for more information.


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